
MultiElement Airfoils (Lite Edition)

MultiElement Airfoils 5.0

MultiElement Airfoils (Lite Edition) is a lite version of MultiElement Airfoils. It is a computer aided engineering (CAE) tool for calculating the aerodynamics of isolated or multiple airfoil shapes interacting in a flow field. Engineers and design professionals use it to rapidly and accurately compute many aircraft, marine and automobile flow scenarios on an ordinary Windows based PC or notebook computer.

MultiElement Airfoils- Lite Edition is based on a linear strength vortex panel method for the inviscid flow solution. It solves the boundary layer equations to compute profile drag and to determine the location of the transition and separation points for each airfoil in the flow field. The program also uses a stall model based on the separation points locations to account for reduction in the lift prior to airfoil stall.

MultiElement Airfoils (Lite Edition) is an excellent reference and educational resource. Its airfoil library contains NACA 4, 5 & 6-digit airfoils, the entire UIUC airfoil database and the ability to import custom airfoils. It is an interactive alternative to textbooks, handbooks, internet research, differential equations solutions and error prone "pencil and paper" calculations.

Students at universities, high schools and elementary schools can use MultiElement Airfoils as a virtual lab to investigate many real world problems in science and engineering.  The software can export airfoils and airfoil combinations to .DXF files. It can accurately plot airfoil templates for use in model airplane construction.

MultiElement Airfoils (Lite) requires a PC, Laptop or tablet running MS Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10. Please click the buttons below to subscribe.

One Year: $300 USD

Analyze Flaps with MultiElement Airfoils (Lite Edition)

Features of MultiElement Airfoiils (Lite Edition)

MultiElement Airfoils (Lite Edition) enables you to:

  • Position and analyze up to 20 airfoils in a single computation.
  • Read in the coordinates of your custom airfoil that you designed specifically for your general aviation airplane, rudder, spoiler or propeller. The program import text files or drawings in the .DXF file format (line and arc entities).
  • Generate all NACA 4-Digit and 4-Digit Modified Airfoils. With the NACA generator, you can set the thickness, camber location and magnitude. You can create numerous airfoils for testing and experimentation.
  • Generate the NACA 5-Digit family of airfoils.Create NACA 210XX, 220XX, 23XXX, 240XX, 250XX, NACA 211XX, 221XX, 231XX, 241XX and 251XX series airfoils. This generator gives you a different family of airfoil for experimentation.
  • Generate NACA 6-Digit family of airfoils. With the NACA generator, you can select and generate NACA 63-XXX, 64-XXX, 65-XXX, 66-XXX, 63AXXX, 64AXXX, 65AXXX airfoils.
  • Analyze any of the airfoil in the UIUC airfoil database. The database contains Selig, SD, MH and Eppler airfoils amongst others.
  • Compute lift, drag and moment coefficients at your specific angle of attack. See how the airfoils perform when you vary the angle of attack.
  • Compute profile drag coefficient at your specific angle of attack. The profile drag is a combination of the friction and pressure drag. The profile drag depends on Reynolds number and whether or not the flow is laminar or turbulent. Use MultiElement Airfoils (Lite Edition) to see how the location of the transition point affects the drag.
  • Estimate vehicle's lift and profile drag based on wing dimensions, fluid (water or air) and velocity.
  • Estimate stall angle of attack. MultiElement Airfoils  (Lite Edition) uses a formula based on theory and real life experiments to determine the stall angle of attack.
  • Estimate lift coefficient near the stall point (prior to stall). The above formula is also used with the computed lift to determine the reduction in lift close to stall.
  • Generate lift and drag polar graphs. These curves show which airfoil can produce your required lift but have the least amount of drag. Plot multiple curves to compare many airfoils.
  • Generate lift versus angle of attack graphs. Use this graph to quickly determine the angle for producing your required lift.
  • Plot streamlines over the airfoil - you can copy plots to paste in your reports.
  • Plot pressure distribution contours in the flow field - you can also copy these plot to paste in your report.
  • Export  single airfoils to .DXF file for use in a CAD program.
  • Export single airfoil coordinates to ASCII file.
  • Plot single airfoils to any dimension using your windows support printer.  This is useful for constructing plans for building wings and hydrofoils.
  • Copy  a high resolution screen shot of all your graphs for inclusion in your reports and presentations.
  • Print Tables and Graphs.
  • Free technical support for one year after purchase.

How Customers Use MultiElement Airfoils

"After each LEWICE run, we input the resulting iced airfoil coordinates into a two- dimensional CFD program, Multielement Airfoils, developed by Hanley Innovations"

McCann, D., Park, O., Lennartson, K. D., & Block, J. Aircraft-Specific In-flight Icing Forecasts.

"For Fig. 5, the lift and drag coefficients of a NACA 0018 foil were taken from Hanley Innovations Multi- Element software [15]."

Salter, S. H., and JR M. Taylor. "Vertical-axis tidal-current generators and the Pentland Firth." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 221.2 (2007): 181-199.

" To design an inventive multi-element airfoil, Computational Flow Dynamics Analysis (CFD) was used. Specifically, the CFD program created by Dr. Patrick Hanley was used to design the inventive airfoil. A description of the methods used to design the airfoils according to embodiments of the invention is also presented in Appendix A of the related U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/322,783. "

Lew, Paul. "Multi-element wind turbine airfoils and wind turbines incorporating the same." U.S. Patent Application 13/083,315.

MultiElement Airfoils Lite Subscriptions

MultiElement Airfoils (Lite) requires a PC, Laptop or tablet running MS Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10. Please click the buttons below to subscribe.

One Year: $300 USD

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